
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

A global health challenge, CKD affects millions of lives. Managing CKD demands vigilant oversight and timely intervention. This is precisely where our cutting-edge Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and Chronic Care Management (CCM) systems excel. With our solutions, we're empowering patients and healthcare providers to proactively and effectively address CKD, ushering in a new era of kidney care excellence. Discover how RPM and CCM are revolutionizing the fight against CKD, improving outcomes, and enhancing quality of life.


advantages of digital healthcare
  • Expanded capacity/access: Our platform expands healthcare access, reaching more patients, breaking barriers, and ensuring care is accessible anytime, anywhere.
  • Reduced Cost: Home health care through our platform decreases operating costs, which can help clinics and hospitals provide high-quality care more cost-effectively.
  • Individually Tailored Treatment: The platform offers personalized medical treatment, adapted to the individual needs of each patient. This guarantees effective and specific medical care for each case.
  • Scheduling Convenience: Patients can easily schedule their consultations and follow-ups, improving their experience and avoiding long wait times at medical facilities.
  • Reduced Transportation Barriers: By providing care in the home, we eliminate the need for transportation for patients, which can be especially beneficial for those with limited mobility.
  • Greater Privacy While Receiving Treatment: Patients can receive medical care in a more private and comfortable environment, fostering a sense of trust and comfort during treatment.
  • Environmental Benefits: Home health care reduces the carbon footprint by reducing the need for travel and the use of unnecessary medical resources.

Key Considerations For Selecting an RPM Partner

With so many companies now proclaiming themselves as having the "the best RPM solution on the market", how do you choose the one that is right for your heart program? Here are some questions to try and objectively compare your options:

1. What is important for you?

Decide which remote monitoring services are the most important for you to offer. BP cuffs and scales are appropriate for a CHF targeted patient population but that may differ if you are targeting other chronic conditions. Ideally you would pick an RPM partner that has a multitude of device options so you can expand your options through a single vendor platform.

MemberCare Platform Advantage:

MemberCare platform has support for many different devices from multiple manufacturers. Information is conveniently made available to the entire multidisciplinary team to intervene appropriately.

2. Ease of use

Pay close attention to ease of use and setup. How much work will be required to start the RPM program and maintain it? Does it fit easily into your clinical workflows or can it be customized to do so? Functionality will play a large role in its usefulness and adoption by both patients and your staff.

MemberCare Platform Advantage:

It is extremely easy to enroll patients into the program. You can order devices to patients within a matter of few seconds. Devices will be directly shipped to patients. You can send all the information to setup via digital education capabilities built into the platform. Staff members do not have to struggle with the technical issues faced by the patients.

3. Financial Dynamics

Get a clear understanding of the financial dynamics of the RPM devices. Do you need to purchase them and then distribute them to patients? Do patients purchase or lease them directly from the RPM vendor? Related to this, who provides training and support for the RPM devices if they there are issues – you or the RPM vendor? This will determine the overall fees you pay and can vary widely depending on the RPM vendor and approach taken.

MemberCare Platform Advantage:

MemberCare platform takes the just-in-time inventory approach. You never have to order many devices and store on your premises. At the time of enrolling the patient into the RPM program, you can order device from our platform and it will be directly shipped to the patient. You have the option to pay or lease the device from us. We provide unlimited training to your staff.

4. Revenue Cycle

What are the revenue cycle implications of your RPM approach? How will your RPM activity be coded and billed – by your organization or the RPM vendor partner?

MemberCare Platform Advantage:

MemberCare platform has both the options. We have partnered with RPM billing experts who can do the RPM billing. Our solution is nicely integrated with the billing system. If you prefer to use your existing RCM processes, we can post superbills which includes all the information required for billing.

5. Technology

What is the technological approach of the RPM devices – cellular, digital or a combination depending on the device?. Is the vendor technology capable of handling large number of patients?. CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) will generate a data point every 5 minutes for a given patient. Is the vendor technology scalable to handle such scenarios ?

MemberCare Platform Advantage:

We support both WiFi and cellular devices. MemberCare platform is built with latest and greatest cloud technology. We can easily support millions of patients each with multiple devices. This massively scalable platform can handle CGM scenarios and we have support for all the industry leading CGM devices.

6. Does it support Chronic Care Management

If you are currently offering chronic care management (CCM) services, how does the RPM strategy integrate with your CCM program? Is the RPM data consolidated with your CCM data giving you an integrated picture of patient status or are they totally separate?

MemberCare Platform Advantage:

MemberCare platform has a seamless support for CCM. Our care plan design capabilties will aid the care team to easily assign the appropriate goals and track them. RPM data automatically flows into rest of the use cases, including CCM. This helps the care team to have a 360 degree view of the patient status.

7. Mobile applications for care team and patients

In order to improve outcomes and reduce cost you to have make best use of technology. You need mobile applications to make patients take active participation in their care journey. You also have to help care delivery team with all the information at their finger tips, native mobile apps is very essential.

MemberCare Platform Advantage:

MemberCare platform offers native mobile applications to both patients and care delivery team. They can download the apps from app stores and install on either iPhone or Android.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Management

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide and is characterized by the gradual loss of kidney function. Managing CKD is crucial to prevent further complications and improve the quality of life for patients. Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and Chronic Care Management (CCM) systems play a significant role in the effective management of CKD by offering continuous monitoring and comprehensive care.

How RPM and CCM Benefit CKD Patients

Patients with CKD can significantly benefit from RPM and CCM. RPM allows patients to monitor essential metrics, such as blood pressure, weight, and renal function, from the comfort of their homes. This not only enhances their convenience but also keeps them engaged in their own care.

CCM complements RPM by offering continuous support. Our dedicated care teams work closely with CKD patients, collaborating to craft personalized care plans that comprehensively address their unique health needs. This ensures that patients receive the highest quality of individualized care and support.

How Benefit Healthcare Providers

For healthcare providers, RPM and CCM offer a proactive approach to CKD management. They have real-time access to patient data, enabling early intervention and reducing the risk of complications. By focusing on data-driven, proactive care, providers can help CKD patients maintain better health and prevent the need for costly hospitalizations.

Chronic Kidney Disease management becomes more patient-centric, effective, and efficient with our RPM and CCM systems. We are dedicated to providing a comprehensive solution that benefits both patients and healthcare providers, ultimately improving the CKD patient's quality of life.

Graph of patients activity

Optimize Your Healthcare Practice with RPM & CCM

Our RPM and CCM systems introduce a transformative approach to patient care within healthcare practices. These innovative solutions can be seamlessly integrated into your practice, opening the doors to a new era of personalized healthcare. Through the power of RPM and CCM, you gain the capacity to elevate patient engagement and play a more proactive role in their well-being. Not only does this approach lead to a reduction in hospitalizations, but it also streamlines care management, making the entire process more efficient and effective.

With these comprehensive systems at your disposal, your healthcare practice can truly optimize its approach to patient care. You'll find that the quality of care improves, with personalized attention tailored to the unique needs of CKD patients. By adopting RPM and CCM, you'll be well-equipped to achieve the best possible outcomes for your patients, offering them a higher standard of care that enhances their overall quality of life.